Georgian National Museum

Georgian National Museum was established at the end of 2004 and preserving the nation's rich, authentic content of cultural heritage provides learning experiences for everyone. It supports the care and manage­ment of the nation's collections, both material and living, to expand and sustain access for current and future generations.

GNM museums, research centers and libraries inspire people throughout their lifetimes and contribute to the civic life of the Georgian nation. With built infrastructure and wide network, dedicated scientists and knowledgeable staff, it connects people to one another and to the full spectrum of human experience.

Rapid changes in the economy, demographic shifts, and new tech­nologies are creating demands for new and best museum services and GNM will continue to provide the essential educational and cultural opportunities that we need for a competitive future.

Through the museum collections, exhibits, programs and partnerships at International and national levels, GNM serves as essential and trusted source providing opportunities for lifelong learning and global understanding.